Enterprise IT Services
We support the technology we sell by delivering the right mix of IT and Engineering services. Working together, we can take your project from initial concept, through design, installation, operations and sustainment. We partner with our clients and take ownership of the project to make your job easier.

Program / Project Management

IT / Mobile Strategy Development

Systems Design

Systems Engineering and Integration

Network Engineering and Integration

Custom Software and Mobile Application Development

Systems Installation / Deployment

Hardware / Software Support

Cyber Security / Information Assurance

QA and Testing

System Administration

MDM/EMM Administration

Device as a Service

Help Desk

IoT / M2M Specialists
IoT and Asset Tracking
GovMobile is delivering Internet of Things (IoT) solutions that are driving the next wave of wireless transformation and innovation across the enterprise. Working with industry leading hardware, software and network service providers, GovMobile delivers fully managed IoT solutions that help customers better manage and utilize critical assets such as vehicles, capital equipment, sensors, lighting, digital signs, tanks, cameras, and other edge devices. IoT solutions provide near real-time visibility and control of mission critical assets giving managers access to data that can be used to gain operational insights, employ predictive analytics, and make data driven decisions.

TAK Deployment and Training
TAK is a Government-Off-The Shelf (GOTS) software suite of applications and mapping solutions providing enhanced capability to conduct mission planning, targeting, situational awareness, navigation, data sharing, intelligence operations, and execution over public or tactical meshed networks. GovMobile can help you take advantage of this capability with fully integrated TAK solutions from the EUD, communications, TAK server implementation and end-user TAK training.
Device Configuration and Kitting
If your organization is faced with the challenge of deploying hundreds or thousands of mobile devices, GovMobile delivers an entire range of device customization services that can speed deployment of large enterprise mobility roll outs, reduce software integration and processing costs, and support what has been fielded through our reverse logistics services.

Let’s Talk.
Contact us for assistance and to start a conversation.